The Cannibal Corpse Special Issue (Includes Flexi Disc)
For 30 years these Tampa-by-way-of-Buffalo godfathers of gore have sodomized you with meat hooks, mummified you in barbed wire and, of course, smashed your face in with a hammer. In 2018, Decibel is here to document every gruesome moment. Read up on how five horror maniacs went from amusing a certain pet detective to standing on top of the proverbial corpse pile of death metal, including:
• Exclusive Cannibal Corpse flexi disc
• Kill Hall of Fame
• The Top 50 Cannibal Corpse Songs of All Time
• Every Studio Album Ranked
• Cover artist Vincent Locke Interviewed
• Much, much more!
And as with every special, issue once they're gone, they're gone for good. The time to buy is NOW!
NOTE: This special issue is NOT included as part of a monthly Decibel subscription